Sunday, February 26, 2006

No Time 2 Waist

Crap. My waist is starting to expand. Been noticing a bit more snugness in my clothes lately. I think it went retro when starch was reintroduced into my diet.

I'm not talking a small portion of candy or 1/2 scoop of rice. When I get hungry now (and I always am) I just pound food. Of course I watch what I eat but often times it's watching myself eating everything in sight until I'm full.

Hopefully with the reduction in cardio my appetitite should return back to normal. If not then I'm going to have to go back to basics again.

Monday, February 13, 2006

No Time

No time for blogging lately. This is party due to my system getting fuct and me having to scratch it. Should be back to normal soon.