Looking Back
Looking back on my brief stay in Kalihi it really wasn't all that bad. I apologize for the crap I spoke as I was certainly out of line. In fact I did enjoy my stay for at least 1/2 the time.
Thinking of our neighbors we had some nice ones. They were thoughtful and friendly. Of course we had some unthoughtful ones who tended to smoke pot waaaay too often. Personally, I hate the smell since I grew up around people smoking it - same goes for cigarettes.
The weather was generally good although it was terrible when there was no breeze. As I mentioned before the rain sucked because it literally went through the wall and bled on the inside. I wasn't kidding about the mold/mildew but I'm sure that is typical of living at that elevation and climate.
Some positives about living there was access to the hiking trail, proximity to our friend's house a few streets up, and centralized location (to the freeway). Our landlord was also great and turned out to be "family". My criticism about Kalihi was unwarranted as people living in this area would consider it to be too hot and muggy at times. Besides my Dad was from Kalihi and he was the mang!
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