Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Gettin' Fat

Yep, starting to pick up some fatness again. Just can't get away from the starches now that I reintroduced them into my diet. Rice, bread, pastries, candies, pies, cake, ice cream, smoothies, blah-blah, blah-blah, blah-blah.

From my trip I think I gained maybe 5 pounds so in about 2 weeks maybe it's about 10. Quite a bit more snug around the waist too. Intake is just too great so my workout isn't balanced enough to burn the crap off.

Weather is not condusive to working out too. The cool weather makes me want to sleep longer in the morning. Also doesn't allow free sweats. :(

Monday, March 20, 2006

Back Home

I think that was the longest trip to the mainland I've ever been on. Definitely had some good experiences there including many excellent grindz, seeing and feeling hail, staying at great hotels, and highspeed traffic across the interstate highways. Definitely been outta town way too long and need to slow it down. Damn it's just great to be back home!!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Strong Breeze

*phew* garlic breath!! I ate too much again so my breath wreaks of it. Strong, stinky breeze if you're standing down wind. Bad thing is it'll start coming out of my pores in a few hours. :{